Friday, November 30, 2012

Sitcoms- Gender Roles by Alli

I found this clip on youtube and it analyzes how gender roles in Sitcoms have evolved and changed with society and culture. In the 1950's men's role in a sitcom was very typical and masculine. They were the head of the household and were not the source of humor for the show, this showed society that men were strong serious hardworking individuals and they didn't have time for joking around. Women had the opposite role in the 1950s, they did not work and they had the typical stay at home mom role. Since the 1950s gender roles in sitcoms have done a complete 180 and the roles have been redefined. Now men are usually the source of humor, they are usually more involved with the upbringing of children but they are still more successful than females (Modern Family, Two and  a Half Men). In modern sitcoms women enter the work force and more importantly they are not always married. This is a big step for women and how they are viewed on television. Women are now seen as independent individuals that do not need a male to support them or their children. An example of this is the character Reba in the sitcom "Reba". The point of this video clip is that women are starting to gain credibility within the television world. There are still instances where women are very misunderstood and misrepresented with TV but there is definitely a change occurring.

Father Knows Best (1954-1960)

Reba (2001-2007)

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